Moses’ Stammering Voice: A Jewish Paradigm for Disability

I wanted to begin by offering the D’var Torah I shared this past Friday night—something I offer every week at our musical Friday night Shabbat services from 6-7:15 followed by dinner in our social hall. This past week it was in the context of our participation in Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month (JDAIM), a […]

Building the Mishkan: Ongoing Efforts to Strengthen and Grow Our Community

The facade of our historical building, as seen from Spruce Street on a sunny summer day.

Continuing the theme of my past Kesher articles, our ongoing efforts, as this headline says, to strengthen and grow this community, I wanted to share updates on our latests priorities and efforts to address them: *** As I’ve suggested in the past, I look to use the Kesher article space as an opportunity to reflect […]

Solace for the Eagles Fans

With all the challenges in the world it may seem frivolous to open up my weekly D’var Torah with a missive about the Philadelphia Eagles, but, if the Inquirer’s front page headlines are any indication, that is where our community members’ hearts are. Tuesday’s headline was “Philly’s Super Sadness: In a bummed-out city Eagles fans […]

What Covenant Can Mean To Us • Boundaries, People!

I want to share the D’var Torah I delivered this past Friday night on the week’s parashah, on the eve of our student Alex Howe’s Bar mitzvah: I was drawn to a very specific part of this week’s parashah, this week’s Torah portion. Perhaps you’ll be able to sense why. First a couple of verses […]