A Bat Mitzvah Teaching On Persecution—And Its Tragic Resonance Today

This past Shabbat we celebrated another sacred rite of passage in our community. Margot Englander, like Samuel Marion before her, had her Bat Mitzvah celebration scheduled for just a couple of weeks after the whole world changed in March of 2020. Like Sam, with grace and dignity, Margot shifted gears, held a small service with […]

A Bar Mitzvah Scheduled for the Week It All Went Down

This past week we celebrated the Bar Mitzvah of Sam Marion. Similar to the many retrospectives circulating in the news this week about one year ago when everything changed, Sam’s Bar Mitzvah was originally scheduled exactly one year ago this past week. A mere 48 hours before his Bar Mitzvah celebration we held an emergency […]

Dealing with Uncertainty

This past Shabbat we read that perhaps most famous of all parshiyot (Torah portions): vayera. Vayera means “and he appeared,” referring to the divine presence appearing before our foremost ancestor Abraham, communicating to him and his wife Sarah that they would indeed have a son, their old age notwithstanding. The parsha’s notoriety comes not from this moment alone but rather a few […]

Joy and Sorrow in Our Communities

This past week we celebrated our first Bat Mitzvah since the start of the pandemic with a beautiful service led by our Bat Mitzvah, Emma Salzman. Her Torah portion was Noah, perhaps one of the most well-known narratives in the history of storytelling. I sometimes find these to be the most challenging around which to […]