Spirituality at Society Hill Synagogue

At Society Hill Synagogue, we recognize that part of the experience of being Jewish is the nourishment of one’s neshamah — one’s soul, one’s spirit, one’s personhood.
We further recognize this takes place through different modalities.
A central Jewish spiritual expression is prayer. Prayer takes place in the heart and in community. Our prayer services — in our Sanctuary for Friday evening and Saturday morning Shabbat services, and our weekly Monday evening Zoom minyan — are grounded in the timeless traditional liturgy of the Jewish people, while holding space for each individual’s spiritual exploration. Specifically, we rely on the Conservative moment’s beautiful siddur (prayer book), Lev Shalem, which means “the whole heart” — what we bring to our services. 
We also recognize that for many Jewish people and their loved ones, the simple act of being in synagogue, even if we are not engaging directly with the words of the siddur, can be meaningful and enjoyable. All are welcome regardless of their orientation toward prayer.
Spirituality also shows up through a range of related expressions: the dynamic Jewish music that fills our Sanctuary, the interactive discussions of the weekly Torah portion that are at the heart of our Shabbat morning services, and more. Please explore more below and reach out to our clergy if you have questions.
Meet Our Clergy
Shabbat at our Synagogue
Music at our Synagogue
Monday Night Zoom Minyan
Monday Evening Minyan
Read Rabbi Kamesar's Sermons

Major Jewish Holidays

High Holidays