High Holiday Divrei Torah from Rabbi Nathan Kamesar

The High Holiday experience at Society Hill Synagogue is one of depth, meaning and sacredness.

Please click below to read Rabbi Kamesar’s High Holiday Divrei Torah (reflections on Torah).

High Holidays: Making Your Soul a Vessel for Change

For those of you, like me, who love a podcast, or who are exploring the medium, I loved being interviewed on the latest Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations podcast. You can listen to it on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. It is titled, “High Holidays: Making Your Soul a

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Hallelujah: Breaking Open

Yom Kippur 5783 Time for another song lyric. This one comes from a song by Jewish Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen that has been, as one writer put it, “repurposed and reinvented by other artists so many times, that it [has become] a latter-day secular hymn”—and

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A Bat Mitzvah Teaching on Curses and Blessings

This past Shabbat we were treated to the celebration of Josie Chrismer becoming Bat Mitzvah. Josie’s Bat Mitzvah parashah portion was Ki Tavo, one of the final portions of the entire Torah. Ki Tavo means “when you enter” or “when you arrive,” the context of which is Moses advising the

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Kehillah Kedoshah: Sacred Community

Yom Kippur Sermon 5781 Al shlosha d’varim ha’olam omed. On three things the universe stands. Al ha’torah, va’al ha’avoda, v’al gemilut chasadim. On Torah; on Avodah, worship or service, and on gemilut chasadim, acts of lovingkindness. So says pirkei avot, the teachings of our ancestors,

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Avodah: Service

Kol Nidre Sermon 5781 Tonight for my sermon I want to talk about a makhloket, so first I have to define what that term means. A makhloket is that component of a dialogue where a disagreement is discovered. It’s not necessarily acrimonious but it’s a

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Lifting the Sparks

Rosh Hashanah Sermon 5781 For my first of three sermons this year, I figured I’d get right to it. The state of the world today. Humanity’s role in a broken cosmos. We’ve got about 10 minutes. Let’s figure this out. In all seriousness, what role

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