I’m thrilled you are exploring Society Hill Synagogue and have found your way to the page of Divrei Torah, words of Torah, which are part of a generations-long Jewish practice of refracting sacred Jewish teachings through the light of our own day and age.
For me, Judaism is an opportunity to nourish ourselves, grounded in the Jewish story: a story that has unfolded throughout the generations, with twists and turns, tragedy and triumph, serving as a source of life to those who engage with it.
The Jewish People are known as B’nei Yisrael: the people who wrestle with the Divine. The name comes from that moment in our tradition in which it is understood that our ancestor Jacob “wrestled with a figure,” a figure understood to be a manifestation of that very Divine Being (see Genesis 32).
That moment produced a legacy of sacred wrestling; grappling; seeking to make meaning of, and find purpose in, our time on earth.
These Divrei Torah are my efforts, in conversation with the community of Society Hill Synagogue, to make meaning and to find purpose, seeking to serve this community, our broader world, and the Divine.
I hope you find meaning in them yourself, and I encourage you to reach out to me if you would like to discuss their contents or to discuss becoming a part of the Society Hill Synagogue community. Welcome!

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Belief in Our Capacities | A Tale of Two Ships

This past week at Shabbat services (9:45 am – 12 noon followed each week by lunch with the community) we discussed the notorious incident of the twelve scouts. As the Israelites are approaching the land of their ancestors, God instructs them to send twelve representatives,

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A Year In Review, And The Year To Come

Dear Friends, We’ve reached, in many ways, our summer season, featuring a different pace. We catch our breaths a bit from the year that has been, while also taking advantage of this slower pace to lay the groundwork for the year to come. This spirit

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Tallitot in our sanctuary

What Our Own Prayers Can Say

Last week we talked about the Amidah, and we talked about the Amidah because it is in some ways the perfect encapsulation of the tension between two instincts when it comes to prayer in Jewish tradition—one instinct in prayer is the spontaneous, the extemporaneous, the

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Tribute to Rabbi Avi, my Mentor and Friend

I’ve been waiting a long time for this opportunity—the opportunity to pay tribute to a cherished mentor and a dear friend, Rabbi Avi Winokur. The annals of synagogue histories are replete with stories of contentiousness between Senior Rabbis and Rabbis Emeritus. Not here. Not with

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Yom Hazikaron | Israel at 75 | Yom Hashoah

Yom Hazikaron – Memorial Day This evening, Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day, (whose full official name is Yom Hazikaron Lehalelei Ma’arkhot Yisrael Ul’nifge’ei Pe’ulot Haeivah/Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of the Wars of Israel and Victims of Actions of Terrorism) begins. It is followed

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The Omer: counting the in-between moments

Dear Friends, Here are the remarks I delivered this past Friday at services on a special Jewish ritual at this time of year: *** A ritual that we’re called upon to engage with at this time of year—a mitzvah, a sacred act that we’re called upon

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Elijah’s Cup

Dear Friends, This past Shabbat, I delivered the following D’var Torah in preparation for Pesah: The last several weeks we have been reviewing a series of special shabbatot, special sabbaths, that anticipate Purim and Passover, each of which have special parshiot, special torah portions, that help us prepare

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Welcoming Members Old and New

This past Friday night, I delivered the following D’var Torah in honor of our new members who have joined us over the last couple of years: In September, we held an “Open House” Shabbat, where we made a point to say we were “open” to

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The facade of our historical building, as seen from Spruce Street on a sunny summer day.

Our Calendar is Our Catechism

This Shabbat is the final Shabbat of arbah parshiyot, the four special Torah readings that supplement our weekly march through the Torah from beginning to end. These special Torah readings are part of the Jewish liturgical cycle, so that not only do we journey with our

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Let All Who Are Hungry Come and Eat

Passover is the holiday where, among the opening words of the seder, lifting up the matzah, we chant the Aramaic words as follows, הָא לַחְמָא עַנְיָא דִּי אֲכָלוּ אַבְהָתָנָא בְאַרְעָא דְמִצְרָיִם. כָּל דִכְפִין יֵיתֵי וְיֵיכֹל… “This is the bread of destitution that our ancestors ate

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The Meaningfulness of Meaningless Rituals

We are in the midst of a series of special shabbatot. Yes, all shabbats are special—a chance to feel rested at the end of a week of putting pressure on ourselves—but we have a few special shabbatot over the course of the year, concentrated especially in anticipation of

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