Tuesdays — October 29, November 19, December 10, January 14, 
February 11, March 11, April 1, April 29, and May 20
7:00 – 8:15 pm
Hybrid, in-person attendance is encouraged
Rabbi Nathan Kamesar
$18 for Society Hill Synagogue Members  • $108 for the General Public
Nuts & Bolts is both for students new to Judaism and for students looking to re-examine and reinvest in their relationship to the foundational elements of Judaism and Jewish living. This includes an exploration of different Jewish conceptions of God and God’s role in the world; Torah and other sacred Jewish texts; prayer and how it fits in Jewish life; Jewish holidays and the Year Cycle; Shabbat, our weekly day of rest; the Jewish life cycle, from birth through death; Jewish history; and more.
 This is a monthly nine-session course, with readings assigned between classes, and then an open discussion of the readings and further resources in each class session. An emphasis is placed on each student’s personal formulation of a relationship to the material, to be discussed with their peers as desired.