Each week, I struggle with the events in Israel, Gaza, and around the globe. And when I say struggle, I really mean it: Struggle with how we got here, struggle with what we do next; struggle with how we make sense of the complex human phenomena of war, hate, and bloodshed. I don’t think there are easy answers. I think we’re fooling ourselves if we feel certain about how to proceed. But proceed we must, and I lay out thoughts about where I am right now, recognizing it is an evolving situation with evolving facts on the ground.
I see two issues confronting the Jewish community, which are obviously connected: the first is the war between Israel and Hamas, and the second is made up of the reverberations of antisemitism across the world including Philadelphia.
I offer the following expansions upon my previous reflections:
With love for you all, and in a struggle to discern how best to respond to the moments that confront us,
Rabbi K.