Fall In-Person Workshops:
  • Tuesday, September 10 @ 6:15 – 7:00 pm How To: Tallit and Torah Blessings (learning for all; practice for Jews ages 13 and older)
  • Tuesday, October 15 @ 6:15 – 7:00 pm — How To: Carrying and Lifting the Torah (learning for all; practice for Jews ages 13 and older)
  • Tuesday, November 19 @ 6:15 – 7:00 pm How To: The Amidah (learning and practice for all)
  • Tuesday, December 10 @ 6:15 – 7:00 pm How To: Headcoverings – What’s Up With That Hat? (learning and practice for all)
Winter Zoom Workshops:
  • Monday, February 3 @ 7:30 – 8:30 pm  How To: Saturday Morning Davening (Prayer) (learning for all) Part One
  • Monday, March 3 @ 7:30 – 8:30 pm How To: Saturday Morning Davening (Prayer) (learning for all) Part Two
Hazzan Jessi Roemer
Free for Society Hill Synagogue Members  • $18 per session for the General Public
Have you ever thought about lifting or carrying the Torah but felt intimidated? Have you seen people wearing tallitot (prayer shawls) but thought to yourself — or been told — that’s only for others? Would you like to better understand what people are doing when they pray in services? This is a series of one-off workshops in getting comfortable with Jewish garb, bimah rituals, and choreography. We’ll learn the origins of these rituals and practice doing them. 
Gender Inclusion Note: These workshops are open to people of all genders, especially those who traditionally may have been less encouraged to try these practices in Jewish spaces. 
Age and Interfaith Inclusion Note: Everyone is invited to pray and to ascend our bimah at Society Hill Synagogue, and direct engagement with Torah and tallit holds sacred power in Jewish tradition and implies an individual, adult relationship to the covenant of Judaism. Therefore, while everyone is welcome to attend these workshops to learn and witness, we ask that handling and blessing the Torah and donning the tallit be practiced only by Jews (by birth or by choice) who are age 13 or older.