Please choose your preferred donation method below. If you wish to sponsor a Friday evening Oneg dinner following TGIShabbat services or a Saturday Kiddush lunch following Shabbat morning services, we kindly ask that you also fill out this quick and easy form here.
  • One-time donation with a credit card or debit card – select “Donation” in the drop-down menu for “Reason for Payment,” and then you can designate your donation 
  • One-time donation with ACH (through your bank account) – this avoids any credit/debit card processing fee; select “Donation” in the drop-down menu for “Reason for Payment,” and then you can designate your donation 
  • Recurring donations with a credit card or debit card
  • Donation with PayPal – please scroll below
You are welcome to designate your donation (e.g., in honor or in memory of someone, a yahrzeit remembrance, to celebrate a new birth, etc.) by filling in the “Notes / Instructions” when you submit your contribution to:
  • General Fund
  • Oneg and Kiddush Fund
  • Social Action Fund
  • Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
  • Hazzan’s Discretionary Fund
  • Education Scholarships and Programs

PayPal Donations: Please provide the required information below and indicate the amount you wish to donate. When you click the “submit” button, you will be directed to PayPal for payment.
  • If you have a PayPal account, please use that email address.
  • – Please answer the math challenge to submit this form –