“Two Jews, three opinions.” The old joke plays on an important truth: different Jews often take different paths to the spiritual wisdom of our faith. Some worship fully and joyously using the traditional liturgy, some relate best to Jewish music, some love to celebrate holidays by singing with their children, and some have less interest in conventional services but long for a communal forum to discuss religious issues. At Society Hill Synagogue, we believe in supporting as many of these diverse approaches as possible.

Shabbat Services on Fridays and Saturdays

Seeking to help people connect to the richness of our spiritual tradition, Society Hill Synagogue services channel joy, depth, and soulfulness.  Our services are based on Conservative liturgy, with elements of Reconstructionist, Renewal, and Reform Judaism, and are conducted mostly in Hebrew. Rabbi Nathan Kamesar and Hazzan (Cantor) Jessi Roemer lead our services, creating new memories and soulful experiences on the bimah (Sanctuary stage) with in-house and guest musicians and a congregation eager to participate.
Friday Evening TGIShabbat Services
Friday evenings feature our 5:30 pm Pre-Service Wine and Cheese, 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat service (which we call our TGIShabbat Service), and a delicious Oneg Dinner in the Social Hall that follows the service at 7:15 pm. TGIShabbat services feature multiple renowned musicians and a weekly D’var Torah (teaching). There is a pause on Friday evening services from June through August, but Saturday morning Shabbat services continue year-round.
Saturday Morning Shabbat Services
Saturday mornings at Society Hill Synagogue start with a 9:45 am Shabbat service in our Sanctuary, including a participatory intergenerational discussion about how the week’s Torah portion relates to our lives, and are followed at 12:00 pm by a delicious Kiddush Lunch in the Social Hall.